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Support to the Implementation of the National Solid Waste Management Strategy (Project Component)
Support to the Implementation of the National Solid Waste Management Strategy (Project Component)

CATEGORY: Environment


START/END: 2019-2024


CLIENT: Ministry of Local Administration (MoLA) of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

ORIGIN OF FUNDING: Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

PARTNERS: Egis Structures and Environment, Engicon



Support to the Implementation of the National Solid Waste Management Strategy (Project Component)

Type of Services

TASK 1 - Inception Phase including:

  • Mobilisation and other initial activities
  • Establish Project coordination and communication lines
  • Preparation of draft Inception Report and updated Working Programme
  • Finalisation of the Inception Report and Working Programme

TASK 2 - Overall Management, Monitoring and Oversight TA services including:

  • Technical, Financial and Administrative Planning
    - Identifying the goods, works and services required for SOWP implementation
    - Procurement Plan
    - Disbursement Plan
  • Financial and Administrative Management of the SOWP
    - TA services for the procedure of Drawdown Requests to AFD and SOWP Special Account Replenishment
    - TA services for the procedure of Direct Payment to Suppliers by AFD
    - TA services for the Disbursement Procedure from the SOWP Special Account
    - TA services for the Accounting Procedures
    - Budgeting and management of a fixed budget dedicated to Small equipment/materials/refurbishment of offices in MoMA
  • SOWP Performance Monitoring
    - Internal monitoring
    - External Evaluation conducted by GoJ/AFD
    - External Financial and Technical Audits by cert. Auditor
  • Computerized Management and Accounting tools
    - Computerized Management and Accounting System
    - Computerized Archiving System
  • Secretariat of the SOWP project related committees
  • Reporting set 1: Reports to meet the SOWP formal reporting requirements
    - Bi-Annual Progress Reports
    - Annual Progress Report
    - Monthly Financial Reports
    - Project Financial Statements Ongoing basis
    - Procurement Report Once per month
    - Environmental and Social Impact Monitoring Report 6 months after each subproject completion
    - Completion Report 3 months after SOWP project completion
    - Impact Indicators Report 6 months after SOWP project completion
  • Reporting set 2: Reports related to both the Consultant’s works and the SOWP progress
    - Inception Report
    - Quarterly Progress Report (QPR)
    - Annual Reports
    - Completion report

TASK 3 - Implementing the priority investments - Sub-projects implementation. The Task incorporates all the procedures specified for implementing the priority investments, as per the final list of municipal solid waste transfer and treatment/disposal infrastructures and facilities and sub-projects formally validated by the GoJ, starting from the identification/design to the completion of works/inception of the operation.
Implementation procedures applied for each subproject are in compliance with safeguard instruments, in terms of environmental and social assessment and involuntary resettlement management set by the AFD that follows the World Bank procedures (World Bank Environmental and Social Framework, 2016). The task includes:

  • Environmental and Social Assessment and Involuntary Resettlement Management
    - Social and Environmental Safeguards
    - Involuntary Resettlement Management
  • Procurements
    - Procurement preparative actions
    - Selection of procurement method
    - Preparation of the relevant procurement documents
    - Publicity and Media Communication Strategy
    - Receipt and Opening of Tenders
    - Tenders Analysis and Award Procedures
  • Subprojects Performance Monitoring Process
    - Monitoring of Social and Environmental Safeguards
    - Construction Works Monitoring

TASK 4 - Capacity building programme. Capacity-building and knowledge transfer to the PIU civil servants at the institutional, organizational and individual levels are a key element as these servants will be in charge of operating MoMA’s Solid Waste Management Directorate in the medium term.
Capacity-building and training programs to support staff of other MoLA departments, involved Joint Services Councils (JSC), Ministry of Environment (MoENV) and the main stakeholders concerned by the municipal solid waste sector, are also of critical significance to ensure high level performance in SOWP implementation.
A detailed capacity building program based on needs assessment of the main stakeholders involved within the SOWP should be carried out at the very beginning of the project. Some of the training modules and capacity building activities will be performed by TAT own resources while other activities will be outsourced through service contracts. The task includes:

  • Design of the Capacity Building Program
  • Implementation, Coordinating and Monitoring of the Capacity Building Programme

TASK 5 - Facilitating the achievement of the EU Sector Budget Support triggers. While TA services provided through Tasks 1 to 4 fully support to facilitate the achievement of the EU Sector Budget Support triggers for the implementation of priority investments, Task 5 is set to include also TA services dedicated to facilitate the achievement of the Budget Support triggers aimed at sector reforms.
According to the Financing Agreement and Annexes, payment of the tranches, allocated annually from 2017 to 2023, is subject to the fulfillment of specific technical and administrative provisions and to the achievement of targets set that will be verified by the Commission. The targets linked with tranches are defined through detailed project performance indicators.
PIU have an advisory role to support MoLA in the achievement of these triggers. The Consultant shall assist the PIU to successfully meet the needs of the role. The Task includes:

  • Mapping the current situation
    - Checking the data entered in the MIS/MoLA
    - Creation of a register of pending cases
    - Recommending actions to address the backlog
  • Monitoring of performance
    - Monitoring the progress of the required actions
    - Support the PIU staff in implementing the required actions


The Government of Jordan adopted its National Municipal Solid Waste Management Strategy (NMSWMS) in September 2015. In 2017, RSWMP Plans for the Northern and Central Region of Jordan were prepared in line with the provisions of NMSWMS and adopted by the GoJ.
Following these developments, the EU granted the GoJ EUR 100 Million to support the implementation of the NMSWMS. The EU grant is divided into two types of support:

i) Budget support aimed at sector reforms to strengthen the SWM sector; and
ii) Support for the implementation of priority investments in the SWM sector.
Part of the EU grant dedicated to fund the implementation of priority investments (around EUR 53 Million) is delegated to the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) (Solid Waste Project, SoWP, id. number: CJO 1062). A grant agreement was then signed between AFD and the GoJ in August 2018 for the implementation of SoWP. As per Agreement, the SoWP consists of the following components:

  1. Component 1: Implementation of infrastructure facilities and equipment for transfer and treatment of solid waste, including closure of dumpsites.
  1. Component 2: Project management.
  • Component 2.1: Project implementation Unit (PIU) embedded in the Ministry of Municipal Affairs (Local Administration).
  • Component 2.2: Service contracts (design, tender assistance and supervision, ESIA, etc.).
  1. Component 3: Capacity building and institutional support to stakeholders (MoMA, MoENV, beneficiary Joint Services Councils of Component 1, etc.).
  1. Component 4: Cross cutting services (communication, audits, etc.).
  • Component 4.1: Communication and visibility.
  • Component 4.2: Audits and cross-cutting services.
    The PIU established by Ministerial decision Number A/8/10/30685 dated December 7th, 2017 is directly responsible for the implementation of the SoWP on a day-to-day basis. PIU is headed by the PIU Director, who reports to and works under the authority of the MoLA Secretary General. The PIU is divided into three (3) divisions, namely 1) Investments, 2) Capacity Building, and 3) Administration and Finance, working together with other MoLA departments in particular the MoLA Financial Directorate for its daily financial activities.
    To ensure full support of PIU in the SoWP implementation, the MoLA contracted the Technical Assistance (TA) Services to the Consultant.
    The TA services shall be provided through a Technical Assistance Team (TAT) aiming to reach four main objectives:
  1. Implementing the priority investments, starting from the identification/design to the completion of works/inception of the operation;
  2. Implementing capacity building and training programs to support PIU civil servants, other MoLA departments, involved JSC, the MoENV and the main stakeholders concerned by the Municipal Solid Waste sector at the institutional, organizational and individual levels;
  3. Contributing to facilitating the achievement of the EU Solid Waste Management Sector Budget Support triggers where the PIU has an advisory role to support MoLA in the achievement of these triggers; and
  4. Managing the SoWP project in compliance with EU and AFD standards.
    Regarding the priority investments, three projects were identified by the GoJ through the NMSWMS and the RSWMP, namely:
    - the Upgrade of Al Ekaider Dumpsite in Irbid governorate (North West Jordan MSWM Service Area);
    - the Upgrade of Al Huseyneyat Dumpsite in Mafraq governorate (North East Jordan MSWM Service Area); and
    - the Construction of three new Transfer Stations (TS) in the Northern and Central Region.

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