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Development education and awareness raising (DEAR) aims at informing EU citizens about development issues,

mobilising greater public support for action against poverty, providing citizens with tools to engage critically with global development issues and foster new ideas, and changing attitudes. The dedicated DEAR programme is powering this drive. It is implemented by civil society actors and local authorities in EU and acceding countries.

DEAR was awarded by the European Commission ,to LDK Consultants, to assist in the development and implementation of its activities devoted to Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR), mainly implemented by Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and Local Authorities (LAs) in Europe.

LDK Consultants will provide the following services.

Meetings and Workshops: Multi-stakeholder group meeting

Inception seminar, DEAR Fair and discussion forum, Cluster meeting BXL, Cluster meeting on-(project) site

Communication Tools: Establishment and maintenance of a web-based forum, including information regarding the DEAR programme.

Creation of a short video explaining what is DEAR, based on examples;

Production of a leaflet containing information about DEAR

Analysis and Studies: Preparation of a study on how other European donors are addressing the measurement of impact for comparable initiatives; a proposal detailing how the Commission could measure the impact of its DEAR programme and activities.

Development and implementation of a reporting framework for EU co-financed DEAR projects

Logistics: Provision of services in connection with event logistics such as: Visas, Booking, purchasing, changing, cancellation, delivery of travel tickets, Accommodation, Payment of per-diems to participants, Preparation of badges, conference kits and documentation material, Meals, snacks and coffee and other services.

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