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ENERGATE Project: ‘Energy Efficiency Aggregation platform for Sustainable Investments’
ENERGATE Project: ‘Energy Efficiency Aggregation platform for Sustainable Investments’

CATEGORY: Energy, Rational Use of Energy


START/END: 01/2023 - 06/2025


CLIENT: European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA)




ENERGATE Project: ‘Energy Efficiency Aggregation platform for Sustainable Investments’

Type of Services

ENERGATE will make a marketplace for energy efficiency in buildings where market actors can interact by closing deals in a comfortable, predictable, and risk-free environment. LDK Consultants has a pivotal role in supporting the development of the ENERGATE marketplace platform. LDL Consultants will contribute in the following activities:

  • Aggregation and match-making process: The primary function of the matchmaking and aggregation process, which comprises the center of the concept of ENERGATE, is to develop large, standardised, financeable project packages. The aggregation process aims to select, bundle, split, and generally rearrange a project with the ultimate purpose of increasing its attractiveness for financing. The matchmaking process aims to bring together the buy-side and the sell-side inside the ENERGATE platform. Since the different stakeholders have different views of the products, they have to be able to identify attractive products based on their interest.
  • Deployment and Validation of ENERGATE Platform: The objective of this WP is to demonstrate the applicability, functionality and effectiveness of ENERGATE through the design and implementation of four discrete pilot projects which will provide evidence and real-life demonstration through custom-based cases. 
  • Pilot planning, requirements, M&V and KPIs: The general aim of this Task is to effectively plan the pilot projects and allow fine tune and validate ENERGATE and ensure realistic metrics of the platform that will inherently increase users trust, test and validate the effectiveness of the selected financing typologies and correspondence with various financing options and ultimately the effectiveness of the platform to lead to the creation of trustworthy EE projects aggregates.



Energy efficiency (EE) is fundamental for the cost-effective transition towards a decarbonised and reliable energy system. The European Commission has adopted energy efficiency as a pillar of the Energy Union with the “Efficiency First” (E1st) as a guiding principle underlining it, in which E1st should play a central role in all national plans and reports to the Energy Union. Specific to EE in buildings this is reflected by the current insufficient trends observed in the renovation rates of buildings, which reveal the urgent need for action since this is the largest consumer of energy in Europe. To address this appropriate implementation of EE measures which are adopted by the majority of final energy users is a must. However, a combination of public and private funding through innovative financing instruments is required to overcome current barriers that prevent mobilization of necessary investments. Although the European Union is taking tangible steps to leverage private funding in EE investments as can be observed from recent initiatives for the standardization and benchmarking of sustainable EE investments and smart energy services. A definite lack of capital flowing to the renovation of the current building stock is still present and is supported by the total value brought by interventions that remain untapped due to lack of funding. For this reason, ENERGATE aims to facilitate the creation of an effective, ICT-enabled, energy efficiency marketplace bringing together energy services and sustainable finance to accelerate the renovation rate of buildings by increasing the chances for projects to be financed. ENERGATE envisions to transform the complex set of decision-making actions for targeted groups, even to non-experts, into a user-friendly and single-entry service.

ENERGATE aims to integrate into a single, robust, ICT- enabled solution different stages of the building EE project cycle by enabling and implementing:

  • A large (standardized) project development facility for EE project sponsors and project owners or private or public entities
  • An aggregation, due diligence, and cash flow enhancement process, where projects and measures shall be packaged and enhanced appropriately, to be offered to financiers.
  • A securitisation process that will enable the financial aggregation and conditioning to appropriate finance categories depending on predefined types of finance (e.g. private vs public).
  • Appropriate feedback loops that will measure the impact of the ENERGATE platform, i.e. by means of suitable M&V processes.
  • Providing added value services to all of its users, by enabling business matchmaking, quality assessments and rankings and generally facilitate data and information exchange.







Co-funded by the European Union under project ID 101076349. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


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